inferior mirages
rainbow in classroom
rainbow in classroom
low sun
the lighthouse
partial eclips
inferior mirages
rainbow in
low sun
the lighthouse
partial eclips
  1. Gordon, Science translations maart 2013. (translated into Polish by Kate Osipova) (original article).
  2. G.P. Können en C. Floor: Nach innen gekrümmte Regenbogenreflexion, VdS-Journal für Astronomie 41, 19-26
  3. Glory from space, Weather, February 2012.
  4. Orkaani hooaeg algas (internetartikel, november 2011.
  5. Comment on "First observation of glory from space", Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 92 (8), August 2011.
  6. Solar eclipses on satellite imagery, Zenit, maart 2006.( Nederlands)
  7. Learning with rollover images, EWOC; VI International Conference on School and Popular Meteorological and Oceanographic Education, Madrid, Spain, 7-11 juli 2003.
  8. Reaching members of the general public by newspaper; EWOC; VI International Conference on School and Popular Meteorological and Oceanographic Education, Madrid, Spain, 7-11 juli 2003. ( Nederlands)
  9. SatRep manual and work based learning on the use of satellite imagery, Paper Presented at The 2002 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Dublin, Ireland 2-6 september 2002.
  10. C. Floor: The rainbow in the class-room of the primary school, Weather, September 1991.
  11. Nubi e meteo da satellite; Scienza & Technica 88/89 estratti, 1989. ( English )
  12. C. Floor: Estimating grass minimum temperature and probability of ground frost at Eelde (Netherlands); The Meteorological Magazine 118, no. 1409 (1989)
  13. C. Floor: Prévisions météorologiques: Produit de la coopération internationale; BeNeLux, No. 4 (1988) ; p. 31-35 ( Nederlands )
  14. C. Floor: Satellites : eyes in space; Endeavour, New series 12 (3) (1988).
  15. Degelo salva Amsterdam, Crônica da Holanda 98, 1986. ( Nederlands )
  16. El deshielo salvó Amsterdam, Crónica de Holanda 215, 1986. ( Nederlands )
  17. Cornelius Floor: The rainbow in the elementary school classroom; Chinook 7 (4) (fall 1985).
  18. C. Floor: The rainbow in the class-room of the primary school. In Walker, J.M. (ed), Weather Education, Proc. First International Conference on School and Popular Meteorological Education, Oxford, July 1984. (Also in Weather, September 1991, and in Chinook 7 (4) (fall 1985).).
  19. C. Floor: Green flash during a partial eclipse, Z. Meteor. 34 (6), 1984.
  20. C. Floor: Greenhouse effect and other reflections on satellite imagery; Weather, January 1984.
  21. C. Floor: Meteorology as a part of the physics curriculum in The Netherlands; Weather, March 1983.
  22. C. Floor: Investigating mirages with an astronomical telescope, Physics Education 18 (1983).
  23. C. Floor: The Heiligenschein; Weather February 1983. ( Nederlands )
  24. C. Floor: Inferior mirages in The Netherlands, Z. Meteor. 33 (1), 1983. ( Nederlands)
  25. C. Floor: The setting sun, Physics Education 17 (1982).
  26. C. Floor: Optical phenomena and optical illusions near lighthouses, Z. Meteor. 32 (4), 1982. ( Nederlands )
  27. C. Floor: The effect of waves on the image of the low sun and on a reflection in water; Weather, May 1982.
  28. C. Floor: The omega-shape of the low sun; Weather, March 1981.
  29. C. Floor: Rainbows and haloes in lighthouse beams; Weather, July 1980.