
The Heiligenschein
The omega-shape
of the low sun
Greenhouse effect and other
reflections on satellite imagery
The rainbow in the class-room
of the primary school
  1. Glory from space, Weather, February 2012.
  2. C. Floor: The rainbow in the class-room of the primary school, Weather, September 1991.
  3. C. Floor: Greenhouse effect and other reflections on satellite imagery; Weather January 1984.
  4. C. Floor: Meteorology as a part of the physics curriculum in The Netherlands; Weather March 1983.
  5. C. Floor: The Heiligenschein; Weather February 1983.
  6. C. Floor: The effect of waves on the image of the low sun and on a reflection in water; Weather May 1982.
  7. C. Floor: The omega-shape of the low sun; Weather March 1981.
  8. C. Floor: Rainbows and haloes in lighthouse beams; Weather July 1980.